20th Century Pewter

Found 925 For Sale and Sold    ( 271 for sale  654 sold )  
Vintage Art Deco Kingfisher Chrome Ashtray£45 $56.83   €54.56 Vintage Art Deco Kingfisher Chrome AshtrayLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Pair Chrome Twin Handled Vases£60 $75.77   €72.75 Art Deco Pair Chrome Twin Handled VasesGifford Antiques A Very Large French Wine Bottle Draining Rack  A Very Large French Wine Bottle Draining RackElmgarden Art Deco Chase Salt And Pepper£55 $69.45   €66.69 Art Deco Chase Salt And PepperGifford Antiques
Art Deco Mirror Edged Photograph Frame£40 $50.51   €48.5 Art Deco Mirror Edged Photograph FrameGifford Antiques Retro Penguin Cocktail Shaker£125 $157.85   €151.56 Retro Penguin Cocktail ShakerGifford Antiques Large Copper Engraved Serving Tray£200.00 $252.56   €242.5 Large Copper Engraved Serving TrayLondon Fine Antiques Art & Crafts Copper Table Plate Warmer  Art & Crafts Copper Table Plate WarmerWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
19th Century Scottish Pewter Tankard£100 $126.28   €121.25 19th Century Scottish Pewter TankardCarse Antiques And Restoration Pair Of Art Deco Stalk Figures  Pair Of Art Deco Stalk FiguresEras Of Style Art Deco Figurine Of Two Bolzhoi Dogs £245 $309.39   €297.06 Art Deco Figurine Of Two Bolzhoi Dogs Eras Of Style Christening Mug By Mabel Lucie Attwell£15.00 $18.94   €18.19 Christening Mug By Mabel Lucie AttwellAlphabet Antiques
Three Brass Plaques£15 $18.94   €18.19 Three Brass PlaquesLimited Editions Antique Copper Churn£78 $98.5   €94.58 Antique Copper ChurnAfonwen Antique Centre Edwardian Copper Stand  Edwardian Copper StandAntiques Affair Victorian Brass Jardiniere  Victorian Brass JardiniereVictorian Four Poster Beds
1920s Copper Tray  1920s Copper TrayPrichard Antiques Antique Country House Bell &Wall Bracket  Antique Country House Bell &Wall BracketMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Edwardian Brass Jardiniere  Edwardian Brass JardinierePrichard Antiques Painted Cast Iron Figural Lady Door Stop£180.00 $227.3   €218.25 Painted Cast Iron Figural Lady Door StopDoe And Hope
 Antique Dinner Gong  Antique Dinner GongBarnhill Trading Co. Picquot Ware Tea Coffee Pot Set   Picquot Ware Tea Coffee Pot Set Mansion House Antiques WMF Hound On Plinth C1900£395.00 $498.81   €478.94 WMF Hound On Plinth C1900Millbrook Antiques Arts And Crafts Copper Tray By J.Pearson£240.00 $303.07   €291 Arts And Crafts Copper Tray By J.PearsonDoe And Hope
An Arts And Crafts Copper Jug£255.00 $322.01   €309.19 An Arts And Crafts Copper JugDoe And Hope Brass Fender  Brass FenderBarnhill Trading Co. Stick Stand  Stick StandBarnhill Trading Co. antique£225 $284.13   €272.81  Afonwen Antique Centre