Antique Glass Bottles
Found 445 For Sale and Sold ( 81 for sale 364 sold )
$242.03 €234.6
Lalique "Anis" Perfume Bottle, 1996Village-on-the-web Ltd
$117.91 €114.29
René Lalique "Je Reviens-2" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
$37.24 €36.09
Set Of Six Small Blue Chemist/ Medicine BottlesMelbourne Antiques
$155.15 €150.39
Coloured Glass Apothecary Dispensing Bottles Anthony Wilkinson Antiques
$155.15 €150.39
Five Chemists Dispensing BottlesAnthony Wilkinson Antiques
$341.33 €330.85
Six French Apothecary Dispensing JarsAnthony Wilkinson Antiques
$47.17 €45.72
Edwardian Silver Cranberry Glass Scent BottleNorton Clark Antiques & Collectables
Silver Collared Scent Bottle - Birmingham 1905Twojays Corner Antiques
Silver Collared Scent Bottle - London 1920Twojays Corner Antiques
Art Deco Czech Decanter Set By Karl PaldaDeco-World
$68.27 €66.17
Antique Bristol Blue Wine BottleMelbourne Antiques
$179.97 €174.45
Lalique "L'air Du Temps" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
$316.51 €306.79
Marc Lalique "Floride" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
$316.51 €306.79
Marie-Claude Lalique "Samoa" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
$316.51 €306.79
Marie-Claude Lalique "Baptiste" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
$49.65 €48.12
Antique French Green Glass Wine Bottle Smiths Vintage
$328.92 €318.82
René Lalique "Dans La Nuit" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
$403.39 €391.01
Lalique "Les Enfants" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
$167.56 €162.42
Lalique "L'air Du Temps" Perfume BottleVillage-on-the-web Ltd
Mdina Tortoiseshell Bottle VaseCoqueda Antiques
$49.65 €48.12
French Green Glass JarSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
$68.27 €66.17
Mdina Ming Pattern VaseCoqueda Antiques
$27.31 €26.47
Old Blue Glass Amphora Shaped BottleChapman Antiques
$68.27 €66.17
A Good 19th Cent. Bristol Blue Glass VaseChapman Antiques
$47.17 €45.72
19th Cent. Bristol Blue Glass VaseChapman Antiques
$47.17 €45.72
Late 19th Cent. Bristol Blue Glass Bottle VaseChapman Antiques
Finnish Modernist Nanny Still Bottle VaseCoqueda Antiques
Stunning Bohemiam Ruby Glass Gilt Perfume Bottle.Goodwin Antiques