Cranberry Glass
Found 652 For Sale and Sold ( 218 for sale 434 sold )
$853.99 €818.64
Pagoda Topped Hall LanternWitch Antiques
$180.77 €173.29
Flemish Wedding Goblet.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$81.04 €77.68
Venetian Glass Gold Overlay VasesMelbourne Antiques
$37.4 €35.85
Victorian Enamelled GlassTwojays Corner Antiques
$1184.37 €1135.35
Art Nouveau Three Branch Down Lighter Thistle Antiques
$2306.4 €2210.94
Top Quality Oil LampThistle Antiques
$935.03 €896.33
Cast Brass Three Branch Down LighterThistle Antiques
$1115.8 €1069.61
Arts And Crafts 3 Branch DownlighterThistle Antiques
$1184.37 €1135.35
Large Vaseline Glass PendantThistle Antiques
$199.47 €191.22
Antique Cranberry Carafe Set Handpainted Antiques Affair
$2181.73 €2091.43
Victorian Tall Cranberry Vase The Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
$43.63 €41.83
Victorian Cranberry Glass Beaker Mansion House Antiques
$124.67 €119.51
Cranberry Glass Vase Mansion House Antiques
$187.01 €179.27
Dark Ruby & Cut Glass Pouring Jug Mansion House Antiques
$286.74 €274.87
Large Cranberry Glass JugAthey Antiques
$81.04 €77.68
Cranberry Glass SifterAthey Antiques
$224.41 €215.12
Cranberry Glass 7 GlassesAthey Antiques
$56.1 €53.78
Cranberry Glass SaltAthey Antiques
$105.97 €101.58
Cranberry Glass Cups&saucersAthey Antiques
$199.47 €191.22
Fluted Cranberry Glass JugAthey Antiques
$187.01 €179.27
Small Cranberry Glass JugAthey Antiques
$280.51 €268.9
Painted Cranberry Glass JugAthey Antiques
$224.41 €215.12
Victorian Oil Lamp With A Hinks BurnerChurch Street Antiques
$405.18 €388.41
Edwardian Silver & Cranberry Glass Scent BottleJulie Cartwright Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
Antique Silver & Cranberry Glass Perfume BottleHashtag Curios
$205.71 €197.19
19th C. French Cranberry Gilt Glass Scent BottleJulie Cartwright Antiques
Vintage Pink Glass And Silver Scent Bottle Woodbridge Antiques
$155.84 €149.39
"Reynold's Angels" Silver & Cranberry Glass JarJulie Cartwright Antiques