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Antique Hadden
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Private dealer
By appointment only
East Sussex, England, UK
Open: By appointment only.
17th Century Carved Oak Board Coffer

17th centuryCarved oak board chest of small size.
The front with a pair of carved lunettes
The sides with v cut feet.
The plank lid with chip carved edges
Good dark colour and shine ,this chest has stood in a fireplace for the past 30 yrs and it shows the signs with a scorched colour in places where the smoke and heat have penetrated over the years.
It has been cut down by about 3" but you can still see the v cut feet,there is a splice to one side and a hole has been filled with filler ( a long time ago) the lock plate is hand made and later ,the hinges are also later and there lid has been braced because of two cracks .
So after all that a great country chest that has served the nation well and ouses country life.
For more information or images that may be required please get in touch
Date17th Century
Dimensions38" wide
13.5" deep
16.5" high
Price SOLD £0.00
SellerAntique Hadden
Telephone01435 863619Non UK callers :+44 1435 863619
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