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Antique Hadden
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East Sussex, England, UK
Open: By appointment only.
16th Century Oak Wainscot Chair

Elizabethan oak wainscot chairThe low back with plain back panel with solid squat arms that are dovetailed in with circular scratch design,elm seat with fantastic grain and colour the top rail and side rails with rope design
The thick back legs with moulded edge , turned front legs united by a box stretcher.
The front right hand leg has signs of fire damage,this is also evident under the seat and arm and rear leg.
Because of this the right hand side stretcher is replaced ,i presume that this chair was on the hearth to close to the fire one evening,but what a story...
It has been braced underneath with two metal rods,a solid chair that is quite rare circa 1560.
Date16th Century
Dimensions21.5" wide
16.5" deep
16.5" high to seat
33" high to back
Price SOLD £0.00
SellerAntique Hadden
Telephone01435 863619Non UK callers :+44 1435 863619
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