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Quality Rosewood Sarcophagus Sewing Box

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Quality Rosewood Sarcophagus Sewing Box sewing box  rosewood sewing box %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Here we have a fine quality and elegant Regency brass inlaid rosewood sewing box of sarcophagus form, the hinged and lockable lid opens to reveal a plush lined and fitted interior with gilt tooled leather decoration and original compartments fitted with ivory cotton reel holders and sewing related tools, there are two fitted needle cases that slide out each side of the main lift out central section that houses scissors and other sewing instruments, there are two ivory thimbles and and ivory housed needle sharpener, there are five lift out storage sections and two fitted pin cushions, the whole tray lifts out to allow access to the main storage section underneath. The colours are bright and crisp and there is no damage to any of the ivory which has an exemption certificate, the whole box stands on four turned feet and has two rosewood hoop carry handles.

This is a superb example in wonderful condition and would grace any collection.
£595.00  UK
$767.01  USA
709.06  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 6/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
 Free UK Packaging and Delivery
Category Antique Boxes > Antique Sewing Boxes Date 1850  Early Victorian Antiques Material Rosewood Origin English Item code as512a808 / 6515 Status Sold

SellerTerrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge

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Terrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge

Terrier Antiques at Hebden Bridge26 Market Street
Hebden Bridge
West Yorkshire

Tel : 07917652471
or : 01422 843189

Non UK callers : +44 7917652471 or +44 1422 843189

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Quality Rosewood Sarcophagus Sewing Box
as512a808 / 6515



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