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Georgian Toleware Spice Box

1 of 5
Georgian Toleware Spice Box Georgian  toleware spice tin %%alt5%%
Georgian toleware spice box complete with the nutmeg grater. Considering this metalware is anything up to 200 years old and will have suffered from dubious care and attention for much of its life it's in pretty good shape. An interesting survivor from very different times.
£75.00  UK
$94.71  USA
90.94  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Dimensions7" diameter and 4" high not including handle Category Antique Boxes Date Regency   Regency Antiques Material Toleware Origin English Condition Basically sound, complete and working. Item code as980a101 / 1219 Status For Sale

SellerAnthony House Antiques

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Anthony House Antiques

Anthony House AntiquesPrivate dealer
By appointment only
Near Lampeter, Ceredigion
Mid Wales

Tel : 07977547061
or : 01570470239

Non UK callers : +44 7977547061 or +44 1570470239
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Enquire directly to Anthony House Antiques about this item here.

Georgian Toleware Spice Box
as980a101 / 1219



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