Contact Seller Martin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors Tel01790 753411or07712409497Please quote Antiques Atlas.
Non UK callers :
+44 1790 753411
or +44 7712409497

Cast Iron Lion

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Cast Iron Lion %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
A fine Victorian flat back cast iron recumbent Lion modelled after Landseer. This handsome lion is attributed to T Jones of Carmarthen.
Heavy and free standing, it is a versatile highly decorative piece, suitable for the garden or a large door porter for the house.
We can be contacted by phone or email between 9am to 8pm any day of the week.

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£400.00  UK
$505.12  USA
485.00  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
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Category Garden Antiques Date 1880  19th Century Antiques Material Iron Origin Welsh Condition Good Item code as1041a099 Status For Sale

SellerMartin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors

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Martin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors

Martin Barrington Causer Fine Art & InteriorsPrivate dealer
By appointment only
Near Spilsby
Lincolnshire, England

Tel : 01790 753411
or : 07712409497

Non UK callers : +44 1790 753411 or +44 7712409497
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Enquire directly to Martin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors about this item here.

Cast Iron Lion



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