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Amere Clock Powder Compact

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Amere Clock  Powder Compact %%alt5%%
This beautiful Amere watch compact is in superb condition and the antique clock is in good working order. A rare book piece, made in Switzerland, it measures 3" inch square. The black face to the clock is signed Amere, all clasps and hinges are perfect. Internally is an inner opening lid signed Amere made in Switzerland. A square bevelled mirror is present, also the original puff and sifter which are in mint condition. A fine collector's piece that will not disappoint.
Do not hesitate to email or telephone for more pictures or information.
£130.00  UK
$164.16  USA
157.63  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
 UK Price Includes Postage and Insurance
Dimensions3" inch (7.5cm) x 3" (7.5cm) Category Antique, Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories Origin Swiss Condition Excellent A1 Item code as144a015 Status Sold

SellerLavender Hill Antiques

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Amere Clock Powder Compact



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