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Found 296 Archived/Sold items, displaying 265 to 276. (18 For Sale)
Parisienne Rouge Marble Top Centre Table
SOLD £250
SOLD $315.7 €303.13
Small Asian Elm Cabinet Circa 1880
SOLD £180
SOLD $227.3 €218.25
French Empire Period Commode / Chest
SOLD £1195
SOLD $1509.05 €1448.94
Demi Lune Tambour Front Console / Table
SOLD £575
SOLD $726.11 €697.19
Provincial Oriental Pine Storage Cabinet
SOLD £450
SOLD $568.26 €545.63
Small Edwardian Mahogany Collectors Display Cabinet
SOLD £475
SOLD $599.83 €575.94
Cuban Mahogany 18th Century Dumb Waiter
SOLD £595
SOLD $751.37 €721.44
Simple Country Early 19th Century Stool
SOLD £125
SOLD $157.85 €151.56
French Marble Top 3 Draw Demi Lune Chest/console
SOLD £395
SOLD $498.81 €478.94
French Parquetry Inlaid Lamp/bedside Table
SOLD £250
SOLD $315.7 €303.13
Mahogany Chippendale Style Linen Press
SOLD £675
SOLD $852.39 €818.44
Good Quality Provincial Regency Mahogany Chest
SOLD £275
SOLD $347.27 €333.44