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Anthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques
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Found 296 Archived/Sold items, displaying 253 to 264. (18 For Sale)
Demi Lune Commode/console Chest
SOLD £1295
SOLD $1638.82 €1560.99
Inlaid Mahogany Lamp Or Wine Table
SOLD £375
SOLD $474.56 €452.03
Large French Farmhouse Dining Table
SOLD £1250
SOLD $1581.88 €1506.75
Inlaid Regency Period Tea Table
SOLD £675
SOLD $854.21 €813.65
Inlaid Provincial Regency Period Writing Table
SOLD £595
SOLD $752.97 €717.21
French Louis Philippe Commode
SOLD £895
SOLD $1132.62 €1078.83
French Oval Painted Centre/dressing Table
SOLD £295
SOLD $373.32 €355.59
Italian Florentine Giltwood Wall Brackets
SOLD £155
SOLD $196.15 €186.84
Pair Of Louis Philippe Period Fauteuils
SOLD £440
SOLD $556.82 €530.38
Decorative Toleware Umbrella Stand
SOLD £175
SOLD $221.46 €210.95
Regency Mahogany Tub Library Chair
SOLD £650
SOLD $822.58 €783.51
Georgian Mahogany Washstand
SOLD £275
SOLD $348.01 €331.49