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Victoriana Fireplaces
Tel : 0161 7754092
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516 Liverpool Road,
Manchester M44 6AJ
Open: 10am - 4.30pm Monday - Saturday.
For Sale
for sale
Found 20 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (13 Archived/Sold)
Victorian Mahogany Surround + Tiled Insert
$3983.81 €3574.61
Victorian Marble Surround + Victorian Insert
$3405.52 €3055.72
Arts And Crafts Fire Surround + Tiled Insert
$3212.75 €2882.75
Edwardian Mahogany Surround + Tiled Insert
$2441.69 €2190.89
Victorian Tiled Fireplace
$1413.61 €1268.41
Victorian Slate Surround + Victorian Tiled Insert
$1542.12 €1383.72
Edwardian Fireplace
$578.3 €518.9
Edwardian Fireplace
$591.15 €530.43
Victorian Gothic Fireplace
$2313.18 €2075.58
Edwardian Tiled Fireplace
$1220.85 €1095.45
Vitorian Arched Insert
$1542.12 €1383.72
Victorian Gothic Fireplace
$2184.67 €1960.27