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The Vintage Trader
Tel : 07738353026
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Private dealer
By appointment only
West Sussex
Open: By appointment only , please ring or email.

Welcome to The Vintage Trader...
The Vintage Trader has an inspiring collection of antique and decorative items; painted and upholstered furniture, chandeliers, mirrors and decorative objects from 18th to 20th century.
'A distinctive look with French influence hoping to bring character and individuality into todays modern homes'.
Based in West Sussex (an hours drive from London) would love for you to pop in, by appointment..
Latest Items

Large French Vineyard Champagne Wicker Basket

Large antique Italian confit pot

Vintage French gilt metal wall light/sconce

Beautiful vintage French mirrored edge mirror

EQUITY Victorian glass shop sign

Nest of brass French trolleys

Vintage Mauro Manetti pineapple ice bucket

Bubble Amber Pendant by Helena Tynell for Limburg

Pair of mid century Italian sconces

Sculptural gilded leaf lamp attr Duval-Brasseur

Who's a pretty boy? Victorian Taxidermy Parrot


Large 19th silver & parcel gilt overmantel mirror

Marble topped console

French corner cabinet c1880

Large Gilt and Gesso antique picture frame

Large Gilt Antique picture frame