Oil Painting "Horse In A Stable" 19th C



"Horse in a Stable" oil on canvas. 19th century English school. Follower of Shayer. In a birds-eye maple frame.

Height = 39 cm (15.4")
Width = 54 cm (21.3")
Depth = 5 cm (2.0")
For more information on this item please contact us on 01833 637783 or 07792 875556. Many thanks, Luke Jordan, The Collector Antiques and Restorations.
DateMid 19th Century Codeas974a034 Price £375.00     432.41     $481.91    The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 20/JUL/2023.
Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
 Price includes free delivery to UK mainland addresses. StatusFor Sale SellerThe Collector Antiques and Restorations Telephone01833 637783 or 07792875556Non UK callers :+44 1833 637783 or +44 7792875556Emailthecollectorantiques@yahoo.com


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