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Michael Allcroft Antiques
Tel : 01663 744014 and 07798 781642
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203 Buxton road
Disley, Nr Stockport, Cheshire SK12 2RA
Open: Thurs, Fri 11am - 5pm, Saturday,Sunday 11am - 4pm. or by appointment.
As we occasionally get called away please always ring before travelling to avoid any disappointment.
Found 12 Archived/Sold items, displaying 1 to 12. (14 For Sale)
Mid Century Teak Fruit Bowl.
SOLD £95
SOLD $120.09 €114.65
19th Century Sycamore Dairy Bowl.
SOLD £130
SOLD $164.33 €156.88
Large 19th Century Copper Preserve Pan.
SOLD £295
SOLD $372.91 €356.01
Set Of Six Graduating Copper Saucepans
SOLD £145
SOLD $183.29 €174.99
1930's Copper Milk Churn
SOLD £260
SOLD $328.67 €313.77
Christopher Dresser Copper Kettle & Stand.
SOLD £425
SOLD $537.24 €512.89
19th Century Oak Fire Side Roasting Spit.
SOLD £325
SOLD $410.83 €392.21
Vintage Grocers Shop Scales.
SOLD £145
SOLD $183.29 €174.99
Large White Enamel Jug.
SOLD £95
SOLD $120.09 €114.65
17th Century Pestle And Mortar
SOLD £120
SOLD $151.69 €144.82
19 Th Century Cream Skimmer
SOLD £95
SOLD $120.09 €114.65
Victorian Copper Jelly Mould
SOLD £160
SOLD $202.26 €193.09