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Michael Allcroft Antiques
Tel : 01663 744014 and 07798 781642
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203 Buxton road
Disley, Nr Stockport, Cheshire SK12 2RA
Open: Thurs, Fri 11am - 5pm, Saturday,Sunday 11am - 4pm. or by appointment.
As we occasionally get called away please always ring before travelling to avoid any disappointment.
Unusual Edwardian Mayors Enamel Robe Box

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Distinctive Mayors Steel Robe Box with Associated stand to form a coffee table, with stout carrying handles and locking hinged lid, Lettering to the top of the Box in Gilt ' His Worship The Mayor of Mansfield, Councillor Walter Ward', also decorated throughout with Gilt banding and Lining to compliment the black japanned ground Paint, complete with Applied London Paper Trade label to the interior, also complete with working lock and Key, sitting on a hard wood stand with barley twist supports and ebonized and gilded decoration, Great Decorative item. A coffee table with a difference.Always an eclectic array of Antique and Vintage Goods in stock, please phone before travelling to view. follow us on face book/ Michael Allcroft Antiques. Any Enquiries Please Contact. Established since 1986, Third generation Antique Dealer
DateEdwardian :
Dimensions56 cm Wide D41cm H39cm
ConditionGood, slight Paint losses and scratches but all adds to the character of the box, Edwardian barley twist legs use in the construction of the cabinet made Stand.
Price SOLD £225.00
SellerMichael Allcroft Antiques
Telephone 01663 744014 or 07798 781642Non UK callers :+44 1663 744014 or +44 7798
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