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Lavender Hill Antiques
Proprietor: Ronnie Jones
Tel : 07540726043
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Private Dealer
By appointment only
Cheshire, England
Open: By appointment only, please email or ring with all enquiries.
Vintage Vanity
Card CasesVintage Cigarette CasesAntique and Vintage Dress StudsDressing Table JarsVintage HandbagsLadies Powder CompactsLipstick HoldersMiniature Photo AlbumsPowder Bowl PuffsVintage PursesRazor SetsScent BottleVanity SetVintage Vanity Cases
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Found 440 Archived/Sold items, displaying 97 to 108. (1 For Sale)
Vintage Musical Powder Compact By Clover
SOLD This compact is now RESERVED
Vintage Stratton Cheers Wine Powder Compact
SOLD This item is now RESERVED
Vintage Stratton Royale Flower Red Powder Compact
SOLD £49
SOLD $62.97 €56.5
Vintage Stratton Gold Powder Compact Lipstick Set
SOLD £49
SOLD $62.97 €56.5
Stratton Ballet Dancer Powder Compact
SOLD £39
SOLD $50.12 €44.97
1950's Vintage Blue Mascot Swans Powder Compact
SOLD £39
SOLD $50.12 €44.97
Vintage Stratton Powder Compact The Kiss
SOLD £44
SOLD $56.54 €50.74
Vintage Vogue Vanities Pegasus Powder Compact
SOLD This item is now RESERVED
Vintage RMS Rotorua Stratnoid Powder Compact
SOLD £69
SOLD $88.67 €79.56
Vintage REX Fifth Avenue Sporting Powder Compact
SOLD £69
SOLD $88.67 €79.56
Rare Butterfly Wing Shipping Powder Compact 1920s
SOLD This item is now RESERVED
Vintage Coalport Ballet Dancer Powder Compact
SOLD £79
SOLD $101.52 €91.09