Edwardian Mahogany Line Inlaid Bijouterie Table

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Edwardian Mahogany Line Inlaid Bijouterie Table. The glazed lift top having line inlay and double ebony and boxwood stringing to frame which also has a thumb moulded edge. The interior having a dark green baize lined floor. Each side glazed with moulded frames with stringing surround and a further moulding running around the base. On line inlaid square tapered legs with spade feet. The legs joined by cross stretchers with central oval having double stringing and half round moulded edge all sitting on a short conforming leg.
30" wide
19 1/2" deep
29 1/2" high
DateEdwardian Codeas483a731 / 9023 Price SOLD £850.00 StatusSold SellerE.W. Cousins and Son Antiques Telephone01359230254Non UK callers :+44 1359230254 Emailjohn@ewcousins.co.uk


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