George V Antique Silver Plated

Found 62 For Sale and Sold    ( 17 for sale  45 sold )  
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George V Silver Plate Teapot, Walker & Hall, 1924£40 $49.56   €48.04 George V Silver Plate Teapot, Walker & Hall, 1924Burnell And Rowe Silver Plate Sauce Boat, England, C.1920s/30s£20 $24.78   €24.02 Silver Plate Sauce Boat, England, C.1920s/30sBurnell And Rowe Silver Plate Creamer, Sugar Bowl & Stand C1920/30s£25 $30.98   €30.03 Silver Plate Creamer, Sugar Bowl & Stand C1920/30sBurnell And Rowe George V Silver Plate Fish Servers, Sheffield 1923£35 $43.37   €42.04 George V Silver Plate Fish Servers, Sheffield 1923Burnell And Rowe
Antique The Cube Tea And Coffee Set£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Antique The Cube Tea And Coffee SetLondon Fine Antiques Early 20th C. Silver Plate 3 Piece Serving Set£40 $49.56   €48.04 Early 20th C. Silver Plate 3 Piece Serving SetBurnell And Rowe Cocktail Tray By Silversmiths & Goldsmiths Co.£395 $489.41   €474.43 Cocktail Tray By Silversmiths' & Goldsmiths' Co.Puckerings Antiques Antique English Square Three Tier Cake Stand £950 $1177.05   €1141.05 Antique English Square Three Tier Cake Stand Puckerings Antiques
Silver Plated Fruit Basket.£36 $44.6   €43.24 Silver Plated Fruit Basket.Cavers Antiques 1 / 29 Sterling Silver Plated C.1919 Serving Trays£1000 $1239   €1201.1 1 / 29 Sterling Silver Plated C.1919 Serving TraysWimbledon Furniture Ltd Silver Plate & Mother Of Pearl Fish Eaters£125.00 $154.88   €150.14 Silver Plate & Mother Of Pearl Fish EatersDesdemona Postlethwaite Antiques Scottish Glass & Silver Plated Lidded Serving Dish£495 $613.31   €594.54 Scottish Glass & Silver Plated Lidded Serving DishPuckerings Antiques
A George V Nuts And Nibbles Platter£85 $105.32   €102.09 A George V Nuts And Nibbles PlatterBrocante Bob Spirit Kettle, 1920s Silver Plated£125 $154.88   €150.14 Spirit Kettle, 1920s Silver PlatedNo. 25 English Silver Plated Cocktail Or Drinks Tray£275 $340.73   €330.3 English Silver Plated Cocktail Or Drinks TrayPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Vesta Case Of Parrot And Peanut£110 $136.29   €132.12 Silver Plated Vesta Case Of Parrot And PeanutBaldwyn Antiques
Silver Plated Novelty Monkey Vesta Case£95 $117.71   €114.1 Silver Plated Novelty Monkey Vesta CaseBaldwyn Antiques Early 20th C. Silver Plate 3 Piece Tea Set, Viners£65 $80.54   €78.07 Early 20th C. Silver Plate 3 Piece Tea Set, VinersBurnell And Rowe Antique Silver Plate Cocktail Tray - Walker & Hall  Antique Silver Plate Cocktail Tray - Walker & HallPuckerings Antiques Silver Plate Spirit Kettle & Stand - Mappin & Webb  Silver Plate Spirit Kettle & Stand - Mappin & WebbPuckerings Antiques
Silver Plate Wine Funnel, England, C.1920s/30s£60 $74.34   €72.07 Silver Plate Wine Funnel, England, C.1920s/30sBurnell And Rowe George V Silver Plate Toast Rack, Elkington, 1920£25 $30.98   €30.03 George V Silver Plate Toast Rack, Elkington, 1920Burnell And Rowe Asprey, London, Small Silver Plated Cocktail Tray   Asprey, London, Small Silver Plated Cocktail Tray Puckerings Antiques 2 X Silver Plate Pepper Shakers, Elkington, 1929£15 $18.59   €18.02 2 X Silver Plate Pepper Shakers, Elkington, 1929Burnell And Rowe
Early 20th C. Silver Plate Cake Stand, C.1920s/30s£40 $49.56   €48.04 Early 20th C. Silver Plate Cake Stand, C.1920s/30sBurnell And Rowe Silver Plated Tea Strainer, Atkin Bros, C.1910/20s£25 $30.98   €30.03 Silver Plated Tea Strainer, Atkin Bros, C.1910/20sBurnell And Rowe Cailar & Bayard, Paris - French Champagne Bucket  Cailar & Bayard, Paris - French Champagne BucketPuckerings Antiques Impressive George V Silver Plated & Glass Epergne£750 $929.25   €900.83 Impressive George V Silver Plated & Glass EpergneOsbourne Antiques
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