Late 19th Century Antique Mirrors

Found 2731 For Sale and Sold    ( 393 for sale  2338 sold )  
A Tall Wall Mirror, With An Arts And Crafts Frame  A Tall Wall Mirror, With An Arts And Crafts FrameElmgarden Large Antique Gilt Overmantle Wall Mirror C 1880£1640.00 $2114.12   €1954.39 Large Antique Gilt Overmantle Wall Mirror C 1880Mark D Jay Antiques Antique Oval Gilt Mirror With Girandole£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Oval Gilt Mirror With GirandoleRams Head Antiques Inlaid Rosewood Wall Mirror£450 $580.1   €536.27 Inlaid Rosewood Wall MirrorLytham Antiques & Reclamation
Georgian Style Fretwork Mirror£650 $837.92   €774.61 Georgian Style Fretwork MirrorGeorgian Antiques Small Victorian Florentine Mirror  Small Victorian Florentine MirrorSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique Decorative Wall Mirror, Anglo Indian£875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Antique Decorative Wall Mirror, Anglo IndianLondon Fine Antiques A Tall Walnut Arts And Crafts Dressing Mirror  A Tall Walnut Arts And Crafts Dressing MirrorElmgarden
Victorian Antique Mahogany Bathroom Wall Mirror £130 $167.58   €154.92 Victorian Antique Mahogany Bathroom Wall Mirror Lucian Linnell Vintage Large Antique Gilt Overmantle Wall Mirror C1880£1630.00 $2101.23   €1942.47 Large Antique Gilt Overmantle Wall Mirror C1880Mark D Jay Antiques Arts & Crafts Copper Wall Mirror C1910  Arts & Crafts Copper Wall Mirror C1910Celtic Antiques Gothic Overmantle Mirror C.1890£595 $767.01   €709.06 Gothic Overmantle Mirror C.1890Collinge Antiques
Late Victorian Brass Mirror   Late Victorian Brass Mirror Vladds Interiors Victorian Timber Gilt Florentine Mirror  Victorian Timber Gilt Florentine MirrorSturmans Antiques Ltd Late Victorian Wall Mirror H139cm£1650 $2127.02   €1966.31 Late Victorian Wall Mirror H139cmNimbus Antiques Antique Chinoiserie Wall Mirror, Oriental, Hallway£585 $754.12   €697.14 Antique Chinoiserie Wall Mirror, Oriental, HallwayLondon Fine Antiques
Pair Of Antique Chippendale Design Giltwood Mirror£1600 $2062.56   €1906.72 Pair Of Antique Chippendale Design Giltwood MirrorWebberley Antiques Large Arts & Crafts Oak Overmantle Mirror C1900  Large Arts & Crafts Oak Overmantle Mirror C1900Celtic Antiques Carved Gilt Wood Mirror£695 $895.92   €828.23 Carved Gilt Wood MirrorMerchant House Antiques Arched Topped Gilt Wood Mirror£545 $702.56   €649.48 Arched Topped Gilt Wood MirrorMerchant House Antiques
Victorian Timber Gilt Florentine Mirror  Victorian Timber Gilt Florentine MirrorSturmans Antiques Ltd Arts & Crafts Brass Wall Mirror£395.00 $509.19   €470.72 Arts & Crafts Brass Wall MirrorAthey Antiques Large Brass Arts & Crafts Mirror - Glasgow Roses£995.00 $1282.65   €1185.74 Large Brass Arts & Crafts Mirror - Glasgow RosesAthey Antiques Arts & Crafts Glasgow School Brass Wall Mirror£595.00 $767.01   €709.06 Arts & Crafts Glasgow School Brass Wall MirrorAthey Antiques
19th C Italian Inlaid Wall Mirror  19th C Italian Inlaid Wall MirrorWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Antique Gilt Wood Adam Style Mirrors£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Pair Of Antique Gilt Wood Adam Style MirrorsMarylebone Antiques Victorian Timber Gilt Convex Mirror  Victorian Timber Gilt Convex MirrorSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique Ornate Mirror, Continental, Giltwood£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Ornate Mirror, Continental, GiltwoodLondon Fine Antiques