19th Century Antique and Vintage Globes

Found 27 For Sale and Sold    ( 2 for sale  25 sold )  
A Pair Of 12 Table Globes By Malbys£7950 $9850.05   €9548.75 A Pair Of 12' Table Globes By Malby'sGravener Antiques Extremely Small German Terrestrial Globe Circa1880£1650 $2044.35   €1981.82 Extremely Small German Terrestrial Globe Circa1880S W Muggeridge Antiques A Large 19Thc French Desk Globe£625 $774.38   €750.69 A Large 19Thc French Desk GlobeGravener Antiques 12" Newton Celestial Globe On Stand£1550.00 $1920.45   €1861.71 12" Newton Celestial Globe On StandLemon Tree Antiques
Substantial Size Library Terrestrial Globe Atlas£1450 $1796.55   €1741.6 Substantial Size Library Terrestrial Globe AtlasAnthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques 19th Century Celestial Globe By Smiths£1450 $1796.55   €1741.6 19th Century Celestial Globe By SmithsGravener Antiques Rare 19th Century 6" Library Terrestrial Globe  Rare 19th Century 6" Library Terrestrial GlobeSturmans Antiques Ltd 19th Century Antique 10" Plaster Terrestrial Globe  19th Century Antique 10" Plaster Terrestrial GlobeSturmans Antiques Ltd
Late 19th Century 9" Plaster Terrestrial Globe  Late 19th Century 9" Plaster Terrestrial GlobeSturmans Antiques Ltd 12" Terrestrial Globe 19th C.£1650.00 $2044.35   €1981.82 12" Terrestrial Globe 19th C.Lemon Tree Antiques German 9 Inch Terrestrial Globe (Germany, 1868)£475 $588.53   €570.52 German 9 Inch Terrestrial Globe (Germany, 1868)Worboys Antiques And Clocks French Table Globe By Maison Dèlamarche Paris 1870£780.00 $966.42   €936.86 French Table Globe By Maison Dèlamarche Paris 1870Doe And Hope
Small School  Globe By Bacons £295 $365.51   €354.32 Small School Globe By Bacons Smiths Vintage A Set Of French 19th Century Globes By G Thomas,   A Set Of French 19th Century Globes By G Thomas, Elmgarden French Terrestrial Globe (France, C. 1890)£575 $712.43   €690.63 French Terrestrial Globe (France, C. 1890)Worboys Antiques And Clocks Terrestrial Table Top Globe£950.00 $1177.05   €1141.05 Terrestrial Table Top GlobeLemon Tree Antiques
Fine Quality William IVth Globe On Rosewood Stand  Fine Quality William IVth Globe On Rosewood StandLVS Decorative Arts Late 19th Century Terrestrial Globe £695 $861.11   €834.76 Late 19th Century Terrestrial Globe Worboys Antiques And Clocks A 12" Celestial Globe By C. Smith & Son, London£2250 $2787.75   €2702.48 A 12" Celestial Globe By C. Smith & Son, LondonGravener Antiques 12" Tabletop Celestial Globe By Thomas Malby  12" Tabletop Celestial Globe By Thomas MalbyJason Clarke Antiques
A French 19th Century Terrestrial Globe  A French 19th Century Terrestrial GlobeThe Clock Work Shop Winchester French Globe On Cast Iron Base By J Lebegue  French Globe On Cast Iron Base By J LebegueJason Clarke Antiques Late 19th Century Globe With Compass.£485 $600.92   €582.53 Late 19th Century Globe With Compass.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre William IV Terrestrial Globe On Stand  William IV Terrestrial Globe On StandJohn Howkins Antiques
19thC French Terrestrial Table Globe FOREST Paris£1350.00 $1672.65   €1621.49 19thC French Terrestrial Table Globe FOREST ParisDoe And Hope William IV Terrestrial Globe On Stand  William IV Terrestrial Globe On StandJohn Howkins Antiques Fine C.1895 French Terrestrial Table Globe£420.00 $520.38   €504.46 Fine C.1895 French Terrestrial Table GlobeDoe And Hope  