Antique Bedroom Furniture

Found 7529 For Sale and Sold    ( 887 for sale  6642 sold )  
Dutch Mahogany Dressing Table£4800 $5915.52   €5688.96 Dutch Mahogany Dressing TableShackladys Antiques Early 19th Century Mahogany Bedside Cupboard£580 $714.79   €687.42 Early 19th Century Mahogany Bedside CupboardMartlesham Antiques 18th Century Mahogany Bedside Cupboard£985 $1213.91   €1167.42 18th Century Mahogany Bedside CupboardMartlesham Antiques Very Good Beaded Pole Screen£495 $610.04   €586.67 Very Good Beaded Pole ScreenFernyhough Antiques
A Georgian Mahogany Corner Washstand£430.00 $529.93   €509.64 A Georgian Mahogany Corner WashstandWilliams Antiques Restoration Heal & Son Oak Dressing Chest Circa 1905£1495.00 $1842.44   €1771.87 Heal & Son Oak Dressing Chest Circa 1905Antiques And Interiors A Pair Of American Glass Bedside Commodes£1950 $2403.18   €2311.14 A Pair Of American Glass Bedside CommodesFine And Decorative Early 20th Century Scrap Screen£75 $92.43   €88.89 Early 20th Century Scrap ScreenNo. 25
Victorian Chinoiserie Mahogany Dressing Screen£695.00 $856.52   €823.71 Victorian Chinoiserie Mahogany Dressing ScreenPrior And Willis Antiques French Antique Bedside Cabinet, Marble Top£975 $1201.59   €1155.57 French Antique Bedside Cabinet, Marble TopLondon Fine Antiques Edwardian Mahogany Inlaid Bedside Cabinet  Edwardian Mahogany Inlaid Bedside CabinetRichmond Hill Antiques Victorian Mahogany Washstand£695 $856.52   €823.71 Victorian Mahogany WashstandWitch Antiques
Gothic Revival Bedside In Silky Ash£240 $295.78   €284.45 Gothic Revival Bedside In Silky AshArt Furniture Late 19th Century Adjustable Shaving Stand£285 $351.23   €337.78 Late 19th Century Adjustable Shaving StandRupert Hitchcox Antiques George 111 Mahogany Tray Top Bedside Commode£550 $677.82   €651.86 George 111 Mahogany Tray Top Bedside CommodeE.W. Cousins And Son Antiques Victorian Pine Wash Stand.£275 $338.91   €325.93 Victorian Pine Wash Stand.Michael Allcroft Antiques
Antique Pole Screen, Early Victorian Rosewood Fire£1295 $1595.96   €1534.83 Antique Pole Screen, Early Victorian Rosewood FireLondon Fine Antiques MOP Victorian Pole Screen£285.00 $351.23   €337.78 MOP Victorian Pole ScreenSmugglers Cottage Antiques And Interiors Victorian Mahogany Duchess Stand£950 $1170.78   €1125.94 Victorian Mahogany Duchess StandNimbus Antiques Baumann Screen£1200.00 $1478.88   €1422.24 Baumann ScreenPuckhaber Decorative Antiques
George III Mahogany Corner Washstand£295.00 $363.56   €349.63 George III Mahogany Corner WashstandGable End Antiques Victorian Mahogany Dressing Table£1750 $2156.7   €2074.1 Victorian Mahogany Dressing TableWitch Antiques George III Mahogany & Inlaid Dressing Table £35000.00 $43134   €41482 George III Mahogany & Inlaid Dressing Table Harveys Antiques French Vintage Art Deco Dressing Table£795 $979.76   €942.23 French Vintage Art Deco Dressing TableLogistique Collectables
Victorian Arts & Crafts Mahogany Bedside Cabinet£350 $431.34   €414.82 Victorian Arts & Crafts Mahogany Bedside CabinetElmgarden Pair Of Amboyna And Walnut French Bedside Cabinets£1650 $2033.46   €1955.58 Pair Of Amboyna And Walnut French Bedside CabinetsChurch Street Antiques George III Mahogany Bedside Locker£475 $585.39   €562.97 George III Mahogany Bedside LockerGeorgian Antiques Mid Victorian Cylinder Pot Locker£825 $1016.73   €977.79 Mid Victorian Cylinder Pot LockerGeorgian Antiques