Antique Clocks

Found 9183 For Sale and Sold    ( 1761 for sale  7422 sold )  
Quality Antique Art Nouveau French Mantle Clock£595 $745.12   €714.18 Quality Antique Art Nouveau French Mantle ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Swedish Mora Clock Chinoiserie Black Gold   Antique Swedish Mora Clock Chinoiserie Black Gold Swedish Interior Design Antique Brass Face Red Walnut Longcase Clock£2950 $3694.29   €3540.89 Antique Brass Face Red Walnut Longcase ClockLondon City Antiques  Regency Rosewood Brass Inlaid Mantle Clock£975 $1220.99   €1170.29 Regency Rosewood Brass Inlaid Mantle ClockLondon City Antiques
Wonderful French Slate And Marble Clock Garniture£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Wonderful French Slate And Marble Clock GarnitureFernyhough Antiques Victorian Tavern Type Wall Clock By W M Hay£1100 $1377.53   €1320.33 Victorian Tavern Type Wall Clock By W M HayAle House Antiques Chinoiserie Westminister Longcase CLOCK 1900£750.00 $939.23   €900.23 Chinoiserie Westminister Longcase CLOCK 1900Tyne Antiques 8 Drumhead Wall Clock£975 $1220.99   €1170.29 8' Drumhead Wall ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Grandfather Clock 8 Day Moon Roller£1850 $2316.76   €2220.56 Grandfather Clock 8 Day Moon RollerSovereign Antiques German Ting-tang Bracket / Mantel Clock£475 $594.84   €570.14 German Ting-tang Bracket / Mantel ClockSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Large Smiths Bakelite School / Factory Clock C1930s£750 $939.23   €900.23 Large Smiths Bakelite School / Factory Clock C1930sDeco Interiors Antique Victorian French Brass Carriage Clock£575 $720.07   €690.17 Antique Victorian French Brass Carriage ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
19th Century Striking Carriage Clock By Drocourt £1285 $1609.21   €1542.39 19th Century Striking Carriage Clock By Drocourt Tempus Antique Clocks Stylish Mid Century Clock By Metamec£165 $206.63   €198.05 Stylish Mid Century Clock By MetamecArt Furniture Jules Of Paris Bell-striking Carriage Clock£3150 $3944.75   €3780.95 Jules Of Paris Bell-striking Carriage ClockCarlton Clocks Arts And Craft Mantle Clock.£1495 $1872.19   €1794.45 Arts And Craft Mantle Clock.Tempus Antique Clocks
A Slim Bronze & Gilt Mantel Clock£1350 $1690.61   €1620.41 A Slim Bronze & Gilt Mantel ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Striking Vienna Regulator Wall Clock£850.0 $1064.46   €1020.26 Striking Vienna Regulator Wall ClockH Stanley Horologist Antique Victorian Marble Mantle Clock £475 $594.84   €570.14 Antique Victorian Marble Mantle Clock Unique Antiques By Emma Jade 3 Piece Clock Set£1500 $1878.45   €1800.45 3 Piece Clock SetGeorgian Antiques
3 Piece Gilt And Porcelain Clock Set£1850 $2316.76   €2220.56 3 Piece Gilt And Porcelain Clock SetGeorgian Antiques Superb Quality 19th Ct. Clock Garniture£1400 $1753.22   €1680.42 Superb Quality 19th Ct. Clock GarnitureFrank Craig Antiques 8 Day Long Case Clock By John Crouch £8000 $10018.4   €9602.4 8 Day Long Case Clock By John Crouch Dyfi Valley Antiques Victorian Mahogany Bracket Clock£1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Victorian Mahogany Bracket ClockSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
Mahogany Drop Dial Fusee Wall Clock£2850 $3569.06   €3420.86 Mahogany Drop Dial Fusee Wall ClockH Stanley Horologist Good 18th Century London Longcase Clock£2250 $2817.68   €2700.68 Good 18th Century London Longcase ClockCarse Antiques 19th Century Walnut Vienna Regulator£1645 $2060.03   €1974.49 19th Century Walnut Vienna RegulatorTempus Antique Clocks Charles X Period Patinated Bronze French Clock£1295 $1621.73   €1554.39 Charles X Period Patinated Bronze French ClockTempus Antique Clocks