Antique Clocks

Found 9187 For Sale and Sold    ( 1762 for sale  7425 sold )  
Late 19th.c. Walnut Vienna Wall Clock.£795 $995.58   €954.24 Late 19th.c. Walnut Vienna Wall Clock.Collinge Antiques Georgian Liverpool Longcase Clock C.1780.£5950 $7451.19   €7141.79 Georgian Liverpool Longcase Clock C.1780.Collinge Antiques Mahogany Longcase Clock C.1900.£2495 $3124.49   €2994.75 Mahogany Longcase Clock C.1900.Collinge Antiques Small Regulator Wall Clock £775 $970.53   €930.23 Small Regulator Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Solid Golden Oak Bracket Clock £440 $551.01   €528.13 Solid Golden Oak Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Large Timepiece Carriage Clock£425 $532.23   €510.13 Large Timepiece Carriage ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Silver Plated Arch Top Mantel Clock£425 $532.23   €510.13 Silver Plated Arch Top Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Red Tortoiseshell Boulle Work Mantel Clock£1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Red Tortoiseshell Boulle Work Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Small 18th Century Style Mantel Clock £1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Small 18th Century Style Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Silver Plated Timepiece Carriage Clock £525 $657.46   €630.16 Silver Plated Timepiece Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Unusual Enamel Panel Carriage Clock £975 $1220.99   €1170.29 Unusual Enamel Panel Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Oak Longcase Clock - Q3236£1595 $1997.42   €1914.48 Oak Longcase Clock - Q3236Courtyard Antiques
Bronze Clock (Macabre)£650 $814   €780.2 Bronze Clock (Macabre)Ledger Brothers Antiques Regency Longcase Clock Trotter, Sunderland  Regency Longcase Clock Trotter, SunderlandNimbus Antiques Large French Clock£650 $814   €780.2 Large French ClockLedger Brothers Antiques Mahogany Grandmother Clock£1650 $2066.3   €1980.5 Mahogany Grandmother ClockGeorgian Antiques
Large Victorian Macclesfield Grandfather Clock£750 $939.23   €900.23 Large Victorian Macclesfield Grandfather ClockLedger Brothers Antiques Decorative 19th C French Japy Freres Mantle Clock£680.00 $851.56   €816.2 Decorative 19th C French Japy Freres Mantle ClockImperial Antiques Dugmore Of Derby Oak Longcase Clock£2500.00 $3130.75   €3000.75 Dugmore Of Derby Oak Longcase ClockDauphin Antiques Hampson Of Wrexham Single Handed Longcase Clock£2950.00 $3694.29   €3540.89 Hampson Of Wrexham Single Handed Longcase ClockDauphin Antiques
Henry Latimer Of Gateshead Longcase Clock£1850.00 $2316.76   €2220.56 Henry Latimer Of Gateshead Longcase ClockDauphin Antiques Circular Carriage Clock £475 $594.84   €570.14 Circular Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Edwardian Silver Plated Architectural Mantel Clock£925 $1158.38   €1110.28 Edwardian Silver Plated Architectural Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Victorian Vienna Clock£1850 $2316.76   €2220.56 Victorian Vienna ClockNimbus Antiques
Vienna Clock£1750 $2191.53   €2100.53 Vienna ClockNimbus Antiques Late Victorian Striking Bracket Clock £775 $970.53   €930.23 Late Victorian Striking Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Mahogany And Inlay Lancet Top Mantel Clock £625 $782.69   €750.19 Mahogany And Inlay Lancet Top Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Large Post Office Dial Clock £1100 $1377.53   €1320.33 Large Post Office Dial Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks