Antique Clocks

Found 9187 For Sale and Sold    ( 1761 for sale  7426 sold )  
Burr Walnut Timepiece Mantel Clock £375 $469.61   €450.11 Burr Walnut Timepiece Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Brass And Nickel Ships Clock (England, C. 1910)£625 $782.69   €750.19 Brass And Nickel Ships Clock (England, C. 1910)Worboys Antiques And Clocks Arts And Crafts Wall Clock  Arts And Crafts Wall ClockArt Furniture Miniature Walnut  Pencil Longcase Clock.£1995 $2498.34   €2394.6 Miniature Walnut Pencil Longcase Clock.Collinge Antiques
American Wall Clock£485.00 $607.37   €582.15 American Wall ClockWoodys Antiques Evans & Sons Salop Longcase Clock£1100.00 $1377.53   €1320.33 Evans & Sons Salop Longcase ClockWoodys Antiques Arts And Crafts Silver Plated Mantel Clock£425 $532.23   €510.13 Arts And Crafts Silver Plated Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Thomas Haydon Antique Longcase Clock£2100.00 $2629.83   €2520.63 Thomas Haydon Antique Longcase ClockWoodys Antiques
Wall Clock  Wall ClockCove Clocks Wall Clock  Wall ClockCove Clocks Fusee Wall Clock  Fusee Wall ClockCove Clocks Walnut And Brass Waisted Mantel Clock £895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Walnut And Brass Waisted Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Antique Art Deco Mantle Clock   Antique Art Deco Mantle Clock Eras Of Style Gilded Wall Clock£1080 $1352.48   €1296.32 Gilded Wall ClockNimbus Antiques Art Deco Clock£55 $68.88   €66.02 Art Deco ClockGifford Antiques Fine Mahogany And Inlay And Timepiece Mantel Clock£575 $720.07   €690.17 Fine Mahogany And Inlay And Timepiece Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Art Deco Clock Garniture £195 $244.2   €234.06 Art Deco Clock Garniture Merchant House Antiques Set Of 19th Century Copper & Gold Leaf Clock Hands  Set Of 19th Century Copper & Gold Leaf Clock HandsMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd 18th Century Oak 8 Day Longcase Clock  18th Century Oak 8 Day Longcase ClockPrichard Antiques Scottish Mahogany Drumhead Longcase Clock£2950 $3694.29   €3540.89 Scottish Mahogany Drumhead Longcase ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Edwardian Gilt Brass Repeating Carriage Clock  Edwardian Gilt Brass Repeating Carriage ClockHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Edwardian Brass Repeating Carriage Clock  Edwardian Brass Repeating Carriage ClockHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Art Noveau Inlaid Mantle Clock  Art Noveau Inlaid Mantle ClockHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Inlaid Rosewood Drop Dial Clock W Fusee Movement£849 $1063.2   €1019.05 Inlaid Rosewood Drop Dial Clock W Fusee MovementWhere Memories Meet
Carved Oak Timepiece Mantel Clock£375 $469.61   €450.11 Carved Oak Timepiece Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks A Rare & Large RAF Officers Mess Bracket Clock  A Rare & Large RAF Officers Mess Bracket ClockWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Edwardian Oak Dial School Clock£525 $657.46   €630.16 Edwardian Oak Dial School ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Gents Of Leicester 1940s Factory Clock.  Gents Of Leicester 1940's Factory Clock.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd