Antique Clocks
Found 9105 For Sale and Sold ( 1777 for sale 7328 sold )
$627.76 €594.94
Burr Walnut Striking Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$412.17 €390.62
Burr Walnut Elliott Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
$437.53 €414.66
French Carved Oak Wall ClockWoodys Antiques
$405.82 €384.61
Dent Of London Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques
$1458.43 €1382.19
18th Century Long Case Clock By William Clement FaWickersley Antiques
$881.4 €835.32
Late 19th.c. Fusee Wall Clock.Collinge Antiques
$1008.22 €955.51
Victorian Brass'Four Glass'ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
$608.74 €576.91
Bronze Sculptured Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques
Edwardian Jacobean Style Grandfather ClockFB Antiques
$1712.07 €1622.57
Mahogany Cased Longcase ClockWoodys Antiques
$2472.99 €2343.71
Oak Cased Longcase ClockWoodys Antiques
$1077.97 €1021.62
Good 3 Train Oak Cased Grandfather ClockFernyhough Antiques
$1135.04 €1075.7
Early Victorian London Fusee WallclockSturmans Antiques Ltd
$729.22 €691.09
Small Walnut Regulator Wall ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
19th C.10 Inch Mahogany London Dial ClockWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
$500.94 €474.75
Miniature Walnut Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
$1109.68 €1051.66
Edwardian Mahogany And Inlay Balloon ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Antique Longcase Grandmother ClockThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
Fusee Library ClockCove Clocks
Fusee Library ClockCove Clocks
Wall ClockCove Clocks
Fusee Wall ClockCove Clocks
Longcase ClockCove Clocks
Ferranti Copper Circular Wall ClockArt Furniture
Massive Smiths Sectric Industrial Wall ClockArt Furniture
$697.51 €661.05
Black Forest Free-swinger ClockMelbourne Antiques
Chased Silver Cased Miniature Carriage ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
Pink Enamel On Silver Bedside ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester