Antique Clocks

Found 9200 For Sale and Sold    ( 1769 for sale  7431 sold )  
Large Drocourt Carriage Clock In Case (France, 187£825 $1041.81   €1000.31 Large Drocourt Carriage Clock In Case (France, 187Worboys Antiques And Clocks Biplane Wooden Aircraft Propeller With Clock£2600 $3283.28   €3152.5 Biplane Wooden Aircraft Propeller With ClockCarlton Clocks Art Deco 8 Day Green Chinoiserie Timepiece.£295 $372.53   €357.69 Art Deco 8 Day Green Chinoiserie Timepiece.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Mahogany And Satinwood Mantel Clock £925 $1168.09   €1121.56 Mahogany And Satinwood Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Art Deco 8 Day Chinoiserie Mantel Timepiece Clock.  Art Deco 8 Day Chinoiserie Mantel Timepiece Clock.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Brass Carriage Clock With Fancy Dial France, 19thc£650 $820.82   €788.13 Brass Carriage Clock With Fancy Dial France, 19thcWorboys Antiques And Clocks Fantastic Oak Moonphase Grandfather Clock£4850 $6124.58   €5880.63 Fantastic Oak Moonphase Grandfather ClockGraver Antiques And Interiors Oak Arts And Crafts Striking Wall Clock£725 $915.53   €879.06 Oak Arts And Crafts Striking Wall ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Mahogany Fusee Dial Clock £895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Mahogany Fusee Dial Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Brass Skeleton Clock With Dome£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 Brass Skeleton Clock With DomeGeorgian Antiques Magnificent Antique Bracket Style Wall Clock  Magnificent Antique Bracket Style Wall ClockDavid Wolfenden Antiques Large Early 19th Century Toleware Wall Clock £975 $1231.23   €1182.19 Large Early 19th Century Toleware Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
George III Brass Face Oak Longcase Clock£3450 $4356.66   €4183.13 George III Brass Face Oak Longcase ClockGraver Antiques And Interiors Solid Silver “Plato” Flick Clock £1775 $2241.47   €2152.19 Solid Silver “Plato” Flick Clock Carlton Clocks Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Balloon Clock£475 $599.83   €575.94 Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Balloon ClockGraver Antiques And Interiors Victorian Black Marble Mantel Clock£245 $309.39   €297.06 Victorian Black Marble Mantel ClockGraver Antiques And Interiors
French Gilt Bronze Mantle Clock  French Gilt Bronze Mantle ClockShackladys Antiques Carved Oak Longcase Clock By J Hadruen KENDAL  Carved Oak Longcase Clock By J Hadruen KENDALSinclairs Antiques And Interiors French Clock Bronze And Crystal Charles X £3100 $3914.68   €3758.75 French Clock Bronze And Crystal Charles X Normandie Antiquites French Oak & Walnut Mantel Clock - Mougin Paris£795.00 $1003.93   €963.94 French Oak & Walnut Mantel Clock - Mougin ParisAthey Antiques
Automaton Windmill Clock By Guilmet£6200 $7829.36   €7517.5 Automaton Windmill Clock By GuilmetCarlton Clocks Early Victorian Scottish Grandfather Clock By John Pringle£2750 $3472.7   €3334.38 Early Victorian Scottish Grandfather Clock By John PringleGeorgian Antiques French Bell Striking Four Glass Clock (France, C. £1175 $1483.79   €1424.69 French Bell Striking Four Glass Clock (France, C. Worboys Antiques And Clocks Oak Drop Dial Wall Clock (England, C. 1860)£1275 $1610.07   €1545.94 Oak Drop Dial Wall Clock (England, C. 1860)Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Oak Westminster Chime Bracket Clock (Germany, C. 1£975 $1231.23   €1182.19 Oak Westminster Chime Bracket Clock (Germany, C. 1Worboys Antiques And Clocks Longcase Clock Houghton Chorley Moon Phase£2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 Longcase Clock Houghton Chorley Moon PhaseKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Thomas Gath & Co, Bristol Dial Clock £475 $599.83   €575.94 Thomas Gath & Co, Bristol Dial Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd H Gibson, Pontypridd Fusee Dial Clock £735 $928.16   €891.19 H Gibson, Pontypridd Fusee Dial Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd