Architectural Antiques - Salvage - Reclamation

Found 2161 For Sale and Sold    ( 666 for sale  1495 sold )  
Old York Stone Eagle£420.00 $541.42   €500.51 Old York Stone EagleDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques 18th Century French Iron Door Knocker£195 $251.37   €232.38 18th Century French Iron Door KnockerM & H Antiques Antique Ships Mooring Bitt, Maritime Bollard£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Antique Ships Mooring Bitt, Maritime BollardLondon Fine Antiques Horse Mounting Block£1020.00 $1314.88   €1215.53 Horse Mounting BlockDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques
Cast Iron Police Station Sign £650.00 $837.92   €774.61 Cast Iron Police Station Sign Dandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques York Stone Ball Pier Caps£2950.00 $3802.85   €3515.52 York Stone Ball Pier CapsDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques Scallop Shells£2500.00 $3222.75   €2979.25 Scallop ShellsDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques Rams Head Key Stone£4750.00 $6123.23   €5660.58 Ram's Head Key StoneDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques
Large 19thC Copper Lantern Cap£245 $315.83   €291.97 Large 19thC Copper Lantern CapHeirlooms By Lawrence A Miniature Anvil With Two Lasts £140.00 $180.47   €166.84 A Miniature Anvil With Two Lasts Alphington Antiques And Fine Art Relief Carved Yorkshire Stone Sign£295 $380.28   €351.55 Relief Carved Yorkshire Stone SignBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Bronze Boiler Makers Plates£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 Bronze Boiler Maker's PlatesDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques
Brass Makers Plate£120.00 $154.69   €143 Brass Makers PlateDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques Carved York Stone Owl£460 $592.99   €548.18 Carved York Stone OwlDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques Antique Bath£5000.00 $6445.5   €5958.5 Antique BathWRS - Alscot Bathroom Company Grand Tour Style Marble Roundel£260 $335.17   €309.84 Grand Tour Style Marble RoundelAylmer Fine Art
Arts And Crafts Christopher Dresser Letter Box.£75 $96.68   €89.38 Arts And Crafts Christopher Dresser Letter Box.Colin Pender Antiques Set Of 5,19thC Black And Gold Ceramic Door Finger Plates £227 $292.63   €270.52 Set Of 5,19thC Black And Gold Ceramic Door Finger Plates Elmgarden Early 19th Century Indian Door  Early 19th Century Indian DoorBelle Antiques Set Of 8 Vintage Fairground Painted Shaped Boards£95.00 $122.46   €113.21 Set Of 8 Vintage Fairground Painted Shaped BoardsSlades Antiques
Victorian Cast Iron Plaque£95 $122.46   €113.21 Victorian Cast Iron PlaqueAntiques On Sea Vintage Window Frames£355.00 $457.63   €423.05 Vintage Window FramesPeppermill Interiors Pair Of Painted French Doors£225 $290.05   €268.13 Pair Of Painted French DoorsThe Vintage Interiors 19th C. Large Spelter Frame, Outdoor Facade£695 $895.92   €828.23 19th C. Large Spelter Frame, Outdoor FacadeDubinins Antiques And Atelier
19th C. Curtain Holdbacks Napoleon III, A Pair£475 $612.32   €566.06 19th C. Curtain Holdbacks Napoleon III, A PairDubinins Antiques And Atelier Germain Stained Glass With Charity Motif£495 $638.1   €589.89 Germain Stained Glass With Charity MotifDubinins Antiques And Atelier Art Deco Bathroom Faucet£395 $509.19   €470.72 Art Deco Bathroom FaucetDubinins Antiques And Atelier A Carved Oak Cherubic Victorian Wall Mask£450 $580.1   €536.27 A Carved Oak Cherubic Victorian Wall MaskWestland London