Mid Victorian Architectural Antiques - Salvage - Reclamation

Found 301 For Sale and Sold    ( 109 for sale  192 sold )  
Sale On. Set Of 6 19th Century  Brass Cup Castors£60.00 $75.77   €72.75 Sale On. Set Of 6 19th Century Brass Cup CastorsBarnhill Trading Co. Sale On.  8 Victorian Embossed Brass Pull Handles£95.00 $119.97   €115.19 Sale On. 8 Victorian Embossed Brass Pull HandlesBarnhill Trading Co. Sale On. Set Of 8 Victorian Cast Brass Handles£85.00 $107.34   €103.06 Sale On. Set Of 8 Victorian Cast Brass HandlesBarnhill Trading Co. Sale On.  10 Victorian Brass Cabinet Drop Handles£95.00 $119.97   €115.19 Sale On. 10 Victorian Brass Cabinet Drop HandlesBarnhill Trading Co.
2 Antique Stained Glass Windows - Kempe Angels£6000 $7576.8   €7275 2 Antique Stained Glass Windows - Kempe AngelsTomkinson Stained Glass Pair 19th Century Carved Stone Fleur De Lis Finials£3000 $3788.4   €3637.5 Pair 19th Century Carved Stone Fleur De Lis FinialsCheshire Antiques Consultant Pollard Oak Overdoor Pediment£675 $852.39   €818.44 Pollard Oak Overdoor PedimentShackladys Antiques Victorian Stained Glass Windows - Heavenly Angels£5000 $6314   €6062.5 Victorian Stained Glass Windows - Heavenly AngelsTomkinson Stained Glass
Pair Of  Late 19th Early 20th C Decorative Finials£200.00 $252.56   €242.5 Pair Of Late 19th Early 20th C Decorative FinialsAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Pair Church Stained Glass Windows£3600 $4546.08   €4365 Pair Church Stained Glass WindowsTomkinson Stained Glass Sale On. 4 Victorian Treen / Wooden Pull Handles£35.00 $44.2   €42.44 Sale On. 4 Victorian Treen / Wooden Pull HandlesBarnhill Trading Co. 19th Century Treacle Glazed Sash Window Rest£48 $60.61   €58.2 19th Century Treacle Glazed Sash Window RestTwojays Corner Antiques
Antique Greek Clay Antefix Akrokeramo Roof Tile£250 $315.7   €303.13 Antique Greek Clay Antefix Akrokeramo Roof TileFrogabilia Late 19th Century Sink Top£40 $50.51   €48.5 Late 19th Century Sink TopSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors  Pair Of Nepalese Buddha Window Shutters, C1890 £995 $1256.49   €1206.44 Pair Of Nepalese Buddha Window Shutters, C1890 Curious Antiques Antique Oak Gothic Architectural Element£395 $498.81   €478.94 Antique Oak Gothic Architectural ElementPareglio & Ayres Antiques
French, Gilt Ormolu Furniture Mount £135 $170.48   €163.69 French, Gilt Ormolu Furniture Mount Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Late 19th Century, French Ormolu Mount £120 $151.54   €145.5 Late 19th Century, French Ormolu Mount Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors French, Late 19th Century Gilt Mount £110 $138.91   €133.38 French, Late 19th Century Gilt Mount Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Set 4 19th Century French Chateau Doors £1800 $2273.04   €2182.5 Set 4 19th Century French Chateau Doors Sussex Antiques And Interiors
19th Century Pine Door£150 $189.42   €181.88 19th Century Pine DoorCamden Antiques Pierces Marvel Positive Root Acitator£345.00 $435.67   €418.31 Pierces Marvel Positive Root AcitatorKugae Antiques Victorian Cast Bronze Door Knocker£285 $359.9   €345.56 Victorian Cast Bronze Door Knocker Victorian Cast Iron Door Knocker£245.00 $309.39   €297.06 Victorian Cast Iron Door KnockerHobson May Collection
Large Victorian Brass Door Handle / Plate£175 $220.99   €212.19 Large Victorian Brass Door Handle / PlateHunter Campbell Antiques Mahogany Overdoor Pediment£275 $347.27   €333.44 Mahogany Overdoor PedimentShackladys Antiques Victorian Marble Font£1800.00 $2273.04   €2182.5 Victorian Marble FontYesterdays Corner Victorian Minton Pub Mosaic £650 $820.82   €788.13 Victorian Minton Pub Mosaic Smiths Vintage