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Anthony House Antiques
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Private dealer
By appointment only
Near Lampeter, Ceredigion
Mid Wales
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Welsh Brass Tobacco Tin.

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These tobacco tins are designed to confuse, it is reasonable to assume the top comes off to access the contents rather than the bottom comes out, but there we are. They are often thought of as miners twist tins but not at all practical to take about. They have to have been mostly home based and the little oval brass ones to fit the pocket. This tin certainly had a cushy home life, it's in wonderful condition with nary a fault.Date1900s :
Dimensions5 3/4" tall and 2 5/8" overall diameter
ConditionVery good condition, no damage and hardly a mark.
Codeas980a064 / 1182
Price SOLD £60.00
SellerAnthony House Antiques
Telephone07977547061 or 01570470239Non UK callers :+44 7977547061 or +44
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