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Anthony House Antiques
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Private dealer
By appointment only
Near Lampeter, Ceredigion
Mid Wales
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Small Welsh pine table box

1 of 4
A useful little box with a 4" high divider running front to back slightly off centre.A little historic worm attack, nothing serious, treated again although no sign of life, for piece of mind. Unusual in that its original translucent finish hasn't been stripped or painted over.
DateLate 19th Century
Dimensions14.5" wide, 9"deep and 10" high.
ConditionVery good order in original finish.
Codeas980a037 / 1155
Price SOLD £0.00
SellerAnthony House Antiques
Telephone07977547061 or 01570470239Non UK callers :+44 7977547061 or +44
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