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@ Alfies Antique Market units 005-009
13-25 Church Street
England NW8 8DT
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm and by appointment also.
Art Deco sculpture of a girl’s head

An Art Deco sculpture of a young girl signed by the artist Bohumil Rezl and dated 1929.Rezl was born in Czechoslovakia in 1899, came to Paris in 1926.
His works are exhibited at the Brussels Museum.
Measurements are 28cm H x 16cm W x 9 cm D
There’s a slight chip to the bottom of the bust but it’s not visible when the piece is displayed.
DateArt Deco :
Price £295.00
The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 6/MAR/2025.
Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.StatusFor Sale SellerAlienor Telephone07740 367072Non UK callers :+44 7740 367072

Conversion rates as of 6/MAR/2025.
Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.StatusFor Sale SellerAlienor Telephone07740 367072Non UK callers :+44 7740 367072
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